Work with us


Competence, professionalism and problem solving are the skills that our clients always mention when talking about our people. We know that to be a real RGI People means much more.

  • Passionate People

    In RGI we are +1.300 People in 6 Countries and still we feel like we are all startuppers: everyone can rise up with a great idea, everyone gives much more than just work, sharing energies and dedication in each activity, everyone makes the difference every day.

    Digital Creativity

    There is no technological challenge that RGI People cannot solve with their native digital mindset and their creativity. Creativity has many different faces but, when it comes to RGI, it means to have an innovative and open approach to problem solving that always make us find the best solution for every issue.
If you feel like you are an RGI People too, we will be happy to meet you and find a way to empower our mutual growth.

    Who are we hiring?
    In the Job Opportunities section you will find a set of professionals that we are looking for. Browse the profile that best fits you and send us your curriculum using the dedicated platform.
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    Do you already know any RGI People and would like to become one yourself?
    Let us know by joining our referral program and we'd love to meet you!
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    We can say lots of things about our RGI People, but the most valuable things you can hear directly from them.
    Do you want to have a sneak peek of what life in RGI looks like?
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